Thursday, July 22, 2010

First Tomatoes!

Gail and I picked our first tomatoes today!
A pair of black cherry tomatoes. I could have left them on the vine another day or two but the urge to pick them was just too tempting. Their flavor was sweet yet rich, as expected from a 'black' tomato.

They just might be the only harvest this week, but I'm pleased!


meemsnyc said...

Congrats! Nice looking maters!

thyme2garden said...

Awesome!! Congratulations on your first tomato, no, first TWO tomatoes! I was coveting those black cherry tomatoes after seeing them on Granny's blog, and now you have them, too. I must look for some seeds for next season. Keep up the good work!

Annie*s Granny said...

I've harvested several, but not many have made it to the house for photographing. It seems as though they manage to go directly from garden to mouth ;-)