Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Chocolate Chip Banana Bread with Buckwheat Flour

Last month when I picked up all the great local flour from Four Star Farms, Elizabeth L'Etoile of Four Star mentioned that buckwheat flour was great for banana bread and added a nice earthy flavor. Using their recipe for Banana Bread with barley flour, I substituted buckwheat flour for the barley and made the addition of 1/4 cup of chocolate chips.
The recipe made 1 full sized loaf and 1 mini loaf (pictured above). This was a really hearty banana bread which balanced well with the addition of the small amount of chocolate chips and I loved the flavor. From now on, If I have buckwheat flour on hand that is how I will be making my banana bread!

Do you use any 'alternative' grains and flours for common recipes??


Elise Hayden-Ferdman said...

Thank you so much for posting this! So many of the flours used in gluten-free baking are just as junky as refined white flour. I am always looking for something healthier. We pancakes this week-end using only buckwheat flour that we ground freshly in our Vita-Mix. They were amazing! This glutard goddess will be trying this recipe soon :)

Fred said...

Elise! Let me know when you try this recipe out - I can't wait to make more :-)