Thursday, December 23, 2010


This weekend, my baking adventures came out of a need to thank a co-worker for going above and beyond, as well as a desire for something sweet and decadent, so I set out to make brownies. I used the recipe for from Joanne Chang's Flour cookbook.
I was incredibly pleased with the results. The brownies were incredibly fudgie and delicious:
My co-worker thought she was getting a single brownie as a thank you, but I gave her most of the batch, reserving a few choice morsels for Gail and I.
We'll have limited access to our kitchen for the next 3 weeks due to some minor renovations so cooking, baking, and preparing meals for the Dark Days Challenge will be fairly limited and relatively simple.


Lemonade said...
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meemsnyc said...

Oh wow, I love fudgey brownies. Delicious.