Friday, July 15, 2011


What can I say. I got a little impatient and Gail and I pulled the garlic up last week. Some of it was weighed as green garlic on Monday, and the rest is hanging and drying in our kitchen.
Overall the Garlic experiment was a great success. Next year I'll try to wait a little longer to pull it up, but it won't be easy!


meemsnyc said...

This was my first year growing garlic and I loved it. Where do you buy your garlic seed?

Daphne Gould said...

I think my husband would abandon me if I kept the garlic in the kitchen to dry. I have mine hanging in the bike shed.

Fred said...

Meems- I didn't buy garlic seed, instead I used Garlic from local farms and farmers markets and it worked pretty well.

Daphne - I hung the garlic out of the way to dry to keep my better have from going nuts!